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Grammar Question

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For a student in High School who has had little formal grammar instruction (he completed All-in-One English with My Father's World a few years ago), I am considering the following:


Jensen's Grammar


Analytical Grammar (we started this for a few weeks years ago, but stopped for some reason that I can't remember)


Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 11 (this is what MFW has scheduled for US1 which we will be completing this year, but they assume your student has done Applications of Grammar book 1)


Rod and Staff 6 or 7



Of the above which would you suggest and why? Also if Rod and Staff, would you do 6 or 7? He will only have two years total in which to complete his grammar studies.


Thanks again for all the hive advice!




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Easy Grammar Plus. It will be everything he needs to know, and he can complete it in a year. No, it doesn't do diagramming. :-)


Jenson's Grammar is d.r.y.


The EG Ultimate series is review, not primary instruction.


R&S is good, but it a more comprehensive English than just grammar, so you'd have to skip half the book to do just grammar. Personally, I'm way too OCD to do that. :lol:


Many people like Analytical Grammar, but I'm not impressed with it.

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We use MFW, but we chose to do Analytical Grammar from 6-8th grades, instead of the All In One. I was very impressed at how succinctly and effectively their program goes through grammar. I also like that the student is then left with their own grammar resource for future use.


I have also been quite pleased with AG's Teaching the Essay and Teaching the Research Paper. She just seems to have a knack for making the complex simple and I really appreciate that.

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One more thought. If you take the summer off, I would consider going through the whole course over the summer. Since you have done some grammar work, you can probably go through some lessons rather quickly. Then your student is prepared to move forward in the fall.

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We use MFW, but we chose to do Analytical Grammar from 6-8th grades, instead of the All In One. I was very impressed at how succinctly and effectively their program goes through grammar. I also like that the student is then left with their own grammar resource for future use.


I have also been quite pleased with AG's Teaching the Essay and Teaching the Research Paper. She just seems to have a knack for making the complex simple and I really appreciate that.



I'm using AG w/ my 7th & 10th grader. Younger DS will do the course in 3 years; older DS will do it in 2 years. You could compress the whole thing into 1 year for an older student and/or a student w/ a fairly decent foundation in grammar already. The program is easy, efficient and the material actually sticks with the kids. It does include diagramming, and I wouldn't skip it altogether, even if your kid doesn't like it. Perhaps just do half the diagramming exercises (there's usually 10 sentences to diagram for each lesson).


Anyway, I highly recommend AG and have just bought their Teaching the Research Paper program because I love their style, efficiency & effectiveness.

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