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Liturgical Folks (Catholic and Protestant): Resource question!

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I am looking for a resource that would introduce my family to the liturgical calendar. I know such a small amount about it: I personally use an Anglican prayer book, my husband used to attend an Episcopal church, and our children went to Catholic K5. We are currently attending a Orthodox Presbyterian Church and, though we like the church, we *really* miss the beautiful rhythm of the liturgical ways. The OPC (our church, anyway) seems to be lacking in it's acceptance of the Transcendant Real, so we would like to insure our children have balance in this area. IOW- We need more mystery here, folks! :)


I am currently looking at "Catholic Mosaic" (rec. in the LCC curriculum). Are the Anglican/Epicopal and Catholic calendars so different that we would not understand this resource? If so, do you know of a suitable resource for protestants? I have no problem with doctrinal differences, as I am comfortable using them as points of open-minded discussion. We do not have our church as a resource for these matters, so I am counting on you, wise and knowing board members!! Thanks!

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A couple of quick ideas, though not a curriculum:


1. This catalog has wonderful resources that follow the liturgical calendar: https://protestant.creativecommunications.com/index2.php

They have a catholic site as well, but I linked the protestant. They sell nice little devotional booklets for various seasons, etc. Fun to browse!


2. Online you could always follow the liturgical calendar at:


This is a site used (I would guess) mainly by preachers. They link the selection of texts for each week with a whole slew of commentaries and resources. It might be fun to follow along the readings at least, and it always notes when a different denomination varies from the Revised Common Lectionary.


3. Have you thought about attempting to follow the hours as a devotional practice? Not sure if I've seen anything for kids, but I love these: http://www.amazon.com/Divine-Hours-Prayers-Summertime/dp/0385504764/ref=pd_sim_b_2

These are seasonal (I have them all) and there is a pocket edition available that is MUCH smaller and portable (these are big hardbacks!).

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In broad terms there will be little difference between the Anglican and Roman calendars. The Temporal Cycle (cycle of months, seasons, and major feasts) will be nearly identical. It is in the Sanctoral Cycle that things start getting very confusing.


I'm not familiar with Catholic Mosaic. I'll answer as best I may.


The best resource I've found for the Roman Calendar is here. Fair warning, the site has a very polemical tone and a very Traditionalist focus. But they have the best outline of the Liturgical Year I've run across on the World Wide Web. That page only explains the Temporal Cycle, which is what you're asking about. There will be minimal, if any, variation between what Romans use and what Anglicans use.


There are a lot of different directions I could go from here, so perhaps more questions from you would offer me some guidance. :)



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Two GREAT resources:


A Year With God - Very Catholic but full of activities, this is pricey but you can probably find it used, and use it in the future as it has a variety of levels (probably preK-8). http://www.chcweb.com/catalog/AYearwithGodCelebratingtheLiturgicalYear/product_info.html?


Good News Planners - I have the Catholic one and am SO impressed with this book. The biggest drawback is the shipping cost, but if there's someone you could combine an order with that would help you both. They do have a protestant version, which I assume is similar. Each day has an activity based on the liturgical calendar, and in the teacher's edition there are tons of suggestions for ways to teach/enhance/observe the seasons, week-by-week. http://www.goodnewsplanners.com/


As far as the difference between the Catholic and others, some churches (even within one denomination) use the exact same celebrations & readings, others have their own rotation, so I'd ask your pastor how close yours is.



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These are fantastic places to start! Thanks so very much! I will get on these pronto and write in with more questions.


(Those who have not yet posted, do not take these thanks as an indication the thread is dead!! Please do add your thoughts :))

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We have the book Catholic Mosaic, and I think that it would be usable by any Christian who was comfortable with the concept of Saints. The liturgical calendar includes periods like Lent and Advent, but it's also used to celebrate the feast days of many saints like Joan of Arc and, of course, the Virgin Mary.


Authors of the books used (it's a literature study, btw) include Tomie dePaola, Regina Doman, and even Dr. Seuss. HTH!

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