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BJU 8th grade math (Pre-Algebra)

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My daughter finished up Math Mammoth 6B this year. I am trying to decide on math for her next year. I was all set to use Saxon's Algebra 1/2 with her, but she took one look at it and said, "I can't do this....there is no color. I need color!" So, I am back to the drawing board. I was looking at BJU 8th grade. Has anyone used this? Do you like it? If not, do you have any recommendations?



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I have used it - one child liked it, one did not.


I think it does a good job of preparing a student for Algebra 1. It was fairly easy to e tweak it to fit our needs. The student text is VERY thick (600 some pages, I think)-- one of my children found that intimidating - the other didn't care.


Hope that helps!

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Thank you :001_smile: What would be a good text to use after MM 6B? I need something with color.




Maria Miller has some recommendations on her website. The Prentice Hall prealgebra has a lot of color, typical for a modern textbook. Personally, I find that much color distracting and irritating, but if color is what you're looking for, that would be one I'd look at. I don't care for how it's organized, but I don't think it's a "bad" choice, math-wise. There are free on-line videos, quizzes and other fun stuff.



hmmm... this is intereseting http://www.amazon.com/Prentice-Hall-Mathematics-Pre-Algebra-Homeschool/dp/0133197565/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1339433331&sr=8-16&keywords=prentice+hall+prealgebra+teacher


The Holt would also have a lot of color, being a modern textbook, though I haven't seen it.


(Of the choices recommended by Maria Miller, I prefer the Dolciani, which has smitches of color, though perhaps not enough to please your dd. I also like Russian Math 6 and AoPS Prealgebra, but neither of those has color.)

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