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Looking for a German Course - non-immersion

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My daughters would like to take German next year for high school and we are having trouble finding a homeschool curriculum. We would like a curriculum to do in the home, not an online or community college course and something that is more traditional, not immersion. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,

Renae in AZ

Homeschooling 4 girls

Wanted them to take Spanish but they hated the idea. German it shall be!

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My daughters would like to take German next year for high school and we are having trouble finding a homeschool curriculum. We would like a curriculum to do in the home, not an online or community college course and something that is more traditional, not immersion. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,

Renae in AZ

Homeschooling 4 girls

Wanted them to take Spanish but they hated the idea. German it shall be!


Do you know enough German to teach them with a text? Or are you looking for something that will teach without your knowing the language?


ETA: You said not an online course, but you might want to look at the German Online class from OSU. I think that it has a good mix of video and sound clips and written exercises on printed worksheets. It is not totally online, but what I would call online instruction with written work.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Hewitt Homeschooling has a German program, here's the link to the syllabus:https://www.hewitthomeschooling.com/Materials/mItem.aspx?id=3359.

It does use Rosetta Stone but it looks like they incorporate textbook work as well.

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