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MFW users I need you!!!


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We are currently using Adventures and we LOVE it! However, when we started it we had just moved to a small rural area (from the Chicagoland suburbs) and well....the libraries I had in Illinois were MUCH better than what I have access to out here (although I can still get interlibrary loan). All this to say that NEXT year we are debating about whether to go with VP for the ancients or stick with MFW. The reason I'm torn is the books on the MFW Ancient package just don't look that appealing to me and I have NO IDEA what's in their book basket list since it's not publishable anywhere. So to all of you who have used MFW through it's history cycles and are familiar with the VP catalog: are the books in the VP catalog *in general* also recommended by MFW? I'll probably have to purchase them here and there to build up our library prior to that year (which is why I'm planning ahead) but I don't want to pay for the MFW TM just to get the booklist at this point either. Is this making sense? I just won't be able to rely on our library here, their section on the "Ancient World" only has about 10 books on it....

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You might also look into the Archives for CTG. We haven't done CTG, but I know that when I've needed ideas for other programs we've done, I've found TONS of helpful hints in the Archives. Just peeking at the archive forum for CTG right now, I see several threads with "books" in the subject title.




Also, realize that one doesn't have to get the *exact* titles that are in the book basket list. If you can't find the titles listed, you really just need book titles that cover the same time period/topic. VP has some great books to choose from, as does SL. You could also check the Ambleside list for that time period, which would be either Year 1, or the 3rd term of Year 6. I'm sure you can find some e-books from the Ambleside list.


Another idea: In the book basket list, Marie has asterisked some of her favorites that are recommended purchases if you don't have the library as an option. If you really want more reading than what's included in the Deluxe package (were you planning to buy that, or just the Basic?), then you might want to purchase the titles she has asterisked on the list.

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For book basket you can buy a few books now from VP that you want to use. Look for books that seem interesting for enrichment. Look for titles that can be read independently by your students. Part of book basket time is to let students read by themselves and enjoy it.


Then, tagging on to Donna's suggestion.... when you get your CTG manual, look for titles with an asterisk.


You don't have to buy all of the books right now for book basket. And maybe some of the grandparents will want to help around Christmas time too???



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