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I need math help!! Reading, too!!


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Abeka math is just not working for my kindergarten boy. We are at the end of the K book, and he can sometimes add 2 + 2. Usually, he cannot.


He has zero retention it seems. Some days he is great, and then he switches off. He is a very visual learner. We have to have our two-colored chips and our 100 chart out at all times. He does the same thing with reading. He likes to look at a letter chart before he writes a letter.


I've never had a learner like this.


We made it through the phonics part of MFW. Some days he knew his letters and sounds. Usually he just knew the sounds without the letter names. So I was thinking about switching over to SSRW. He loves cars and this might be what he needs.


Would MUS fit? I haven't done MUS since the mid 90s, just when it was coming out. Or is there a better system out there for his learning style.


On a positive note, though, his penmanship is better than any of his siblings at this age.


Thanks for any advice,


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No help, but it just sounds like a maturity issue--and not abnormal at all. I would just give him time.


:iagree: I'd set the bookwork aside for at least 6 months - better still, a year. Just let him enjoy another year of incidental learning and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you attempt more formal work later. You cannot rush neurological development.

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