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New Homeschoolers Who Pulled Kids Out of Public School

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We pulled the two youngest in March midway through 3rd and 5th grade for a myriad of reasons. That said, the actual day we pulled them out we had a meeting with the principal that was so horrific, my husband and I got up, went to the office to sign the paper work and took our children home. The second oldest one just finished 7th grade last week and will be home schooled for 8th grade and high school. The oldest is in public school in Germany and loving it (pulled him out for a number of problems here in the US but somehow it didn't occur to us to home school then).

Best decisions we ever made, only wish we had done it sooner.

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After two long years of following the classroom teachers' advice and "advocating for my child" with the administration and getting nowhere :banghead:, I finally threw in the towel.


We will soon begin our 5th year of homeschooling. My only regret is that we didn't start sooner.


:iagree: Same here on all of it; most especially the bold. Except we are about to start our 3rd year.

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