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Book/website recs please!

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I am looking for books and/or websites about children who are slow to learn. I don't mean children who have learning disabilities, just kids who learn slower than "normal."


Who knows if this makes sense, lol. I heard the term "slow to learn" today, and I want to learn more. I'm hoping the hive can help!

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In the special education world mild intellectual disability is 50s-60's iq approx. 70s-80s iq is a "slow learner", because the average iq is 100. Maybe that is the term you heard?


An iq of 70s-80s is not eligable for a self-contained special education class, and it isn't an "official label." A learning disability is a normal iq but lower test scores on achievement tests.




(difference between slow learners and learning disabled)


Just google slow learners and education or iep or special education... You should come up with a lot of hits. HTH!

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Some people process more slowly and it causes some learning to come more slowly. I don't think she means necessarily with a lower IQ. Ds is quite bright but watching how slowly math comes gives me a headache. If this is for your child I think you would want the battery of tests so you can better teach her. I wish I had done this earlier.

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This is in regards to my 9 year old, and no, I don't believe she has a low IQ. I do think she processes slower. She is a perfectionist as well, so it's hard for her to do something if she's not 100% sure she'll get it right. She has been diagnosed with anxiety, which may or may not be related. It's hard to tell.


She wants to be a surgeoun when she grows up. :D


What is the battery of tests, Starr?


Thanks so much!!

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