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Asperger's general resources

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My best friend has a 7 year old daughter whom she believes has Aspergers. Yesterday, the little girl had a huge meltdown and my friend had a strong emotional reaction, to the point she took her to her dad's house (they are divorced). She knows she needs help, but is scarred about the diagnosis process, potential public school problems, etc. Do you have any general resources to recommend? Also, if you have any female-specific resources, that would be great as well!



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Give her a copy of the book Asperger's and Girls by Tony Attwood. Also, remind her that her daughter didn't ask to be this way anymore than a blind child didn't ask to be blind. The child needs extra guidance, not extra punishment. I remember when my now 9 year old acted that way all the time.. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Diet change made all the difference for her (gluten free, dairy free).

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Give her a copy of the book Asperger's and Girls by Tony Attwood. Also, remind her that her daughter didn't ask to be this way anymore than a blind child didn't ask to be blind. The child needs extra guidance, not extra punishment. I remember when my now 9 year old acted that way all the time.. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Diet change made all the difference for her (gluten free, dairy free).



My dd4 is visually impaired and on the autism spectrum. I am still learning how to handle it. I try to keep my focus on my daughter and on how she is struggling, but some days I feel like I only think about how this affects me. Tell your friend to seek out parents of other Aspies IRL to support her. Online is great, but nothing beats real human contact.

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