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Final Transcript and NCAA ?

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I am about to prepare and mail in the final transcript for my ds who graduated and will start college in the fall. When he applied last fall I sent in a transcript that reflected the work we have done, but I did not worry about NCAA requirements - I didn't even know about them.


Ds drove up to the school to try out for JV basketball a few weeks ago, and he made the team! The coach sent a letter and said ds needs to register for NCAA eligibility. I looked at the website and am a bit confused.


Here's where my question comes in. The original transcript which gained him acceptance has plenty of credits. Ds is attending with a partial merit scholarship based on ACT scores. However, my class "titles" are not NCAA titles. If I change them for the NCAA transcript, do I change them for the final transcript I send in to the university?


Also, there are some classes in which we did not use textbooks. We used TOG for Lit and History, but there is no central text. For health we did not use a text, but a self study program designed by me involving research and papers along with CPR and first aid. How will they react to no textbooks? Is a computer program OK (ie Visual Link)?


Thanks for your help. I hate jumping through hoops!!!

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I added a tag for NCAA. There are a few other families working through this. In particular, look for posts about conversations with the NCAA rep for homeschooling, named Kevin.


I've spoken with him on the phone and he was quite helpful. Of course, this is a very busy time of year.

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PM'd you


I didn't mean to take the conversation away from the forum! I had PM'd Leanna because I knew which college her son was heading to and had a few ideas specific to that college because my husband works there :)

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Click on the NCAA tag at the bottom of the thread. (Just above the Quick Reply box.) This will take you to several other tagged discussions.


NCAA and online classes


Texts that were approved in past years (Don't take this as a solid assurance. NCAA makes changes as they see problems with athletes and athletic programs.)


NCAA Checklist for Homeschooled Athletes


My eldest is a rising freshman. He is also my main competitive athlete at the moment. What I have done is started to make a spreadsheet that lists each subject that I think we will cover, the tentative course name, the textbook(s) or other main books and other main works used (ex. Jane Eyre), and other notes like online resources.


Having talked to Kevin at NCAA on one occasion, I definitely came away with the impression that his goal was to help you make sense of the requirements and present the information in a way that was easily evaluated and approved. I didn't get the impression that anyone's design was to exclude homeschoolers from sports. (However, NCAA does have a mission to make sure that athletes are not having coaches and boosters pull them along without their getting an adequate education. The changes to online course approval came as a result of allegations of misconduct on the part of a coach with a public schooled student. The student had long listings of online courses, that he didn't know anything about. The accusation was that a coach had done the coursework.)

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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