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Please Compare CLE and R&S Spelling


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Can anyone please compare CLE spelling to R&S spelling? We are doing CLE LA 100 now and the spelling lists seem a bit random. I love the phonics work in CLE LA and I'm surprised the spelling lists don't seem related. It is my understanding that these lists change to lists of a related topic/subject matter (e.g., science words) down the road, but no grouping by rules, patterns or word families. This is my first time with spelling so I don't know if the CLE format is optimal or works for most users. R&S spelling looks like it presents the rules at most levels and also has a roots study later.




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I prefer our spelling curriculum to be separate from other language arts, so I vote for R&S. I like the rhythm of getting new words on Monday, practicing them through the week, and testing on Thursday/Friday. I agree with the randomness of the CLE lists.

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In CLE 200, the list is still fairly random, but they are working on rules such as adding prefixes, when to double letters, etc. There is a language pattern to each set but it isn't purely phonics based. I believe the theory is that they have already drilled many of the rules through their phonics program in LTR and LA 100 continued in LA 200, so the children should have those spelling rules down already. All that to say, it hasn't worked for my DS9. He gets a 100% on the test and all the words fall right out of his head.


And I often read the 2nd grade RS isn't phonics based either? (I haven't used it.) Have you looked at Spelling Plus? I've had some success with that for my youngest. It's an inexpensive, no frills spelling program!

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Thank you both! I have read that about R&S 2 as well. I think it is still phonics-based because it lists out its markings at the beginning of it. I'm a bit concerned because the markings differ from what we've learned in CLE, so that might be confusing. R&S is still using their separate phonics program in 2nd grade, so that might be why 2 seems different than the rest.


I looked at Spelling Plus awhile back and ruled it out. I'll have to look at it again.




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