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BFSU 1 or 2?


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My ds will be 11 shortly (dd is 9), and so we are prepping for "middle school". We haven't officially done BFSU volume 1, but my kids are fairly fluent in many of the topics. What I am thinking of doing, rather than going through volume 1 in its entirety, is touching on the topics they might not be so familiar with over the summer, and then launch full force into volume 2 this fall. With the goal of going through books 2 and 3 over the next few years, that would give us a couple of weeks for each topic, more or less.


Does this seem like a good way to go, or should I just go ahead and go through volume 1 first with some supplemental reading for ds? What would you do? Thanks!

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That is what I did. I know everybody says start at the beginning no matter the age of the kids, but that would have seriously backfired for us. If the kid already gets the concept at a higher level, making them go back and study it at a level designed to be grasped by 5-7 year old will just be boring. Right? The last thing you want to do with 9-11 yos is insult their intelligence. Anyway, I got the $5 ebook for BFSU 1, read through the lessons and did the ones (mostly physics) that she didn't already have a strong grasp of. Then we jumped right into Vol. 2 and it is going fine. Go for it!

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