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Summer reading recommendations for housewife/homeschool burnout?

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Is there a book that really helped energize/refresh you in your role as wife/mom/homeschooler? I'm hitting the 15 year mark here and I guess this is some kind of mid-life slump.


Doesn't need to be a how-to book, fiction ideas are welcome too.


I'm envisioning something affirming I can read over the summer to help me snap out of this housewife rut and enjoy my family and role at home more. Getting lost in an exciting fiction book seems to have the opposite effect.:001_smile:


CC is fine, but not required, and if you've got a non-reading idea I'm all ears for that as well. Thanks for the ideas.

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The #1 Women's Detective Agency series! It's sure to pick you up! It's about a wise middle-aged woman in Botswana who opens her own detective agency. It's so much more than that though. It has a lot of both poignant and sweet stories in it, with life lessons dosed out in gentle humor. Plus, it goes into colorful details of life in Botswana.



Oops -- I see you were looking for something that would specifically refresh your role as wife, mother, and homeschooler. Sorry! Well, the woman in the book is about is a very wise and delightful wife (she gets married in book 3, I think) and (foster)mother! But, maybe it's not what you're looking for. I'll keep thinking...

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Are you an Anne of Green Gables fan?


The later book when she has her 6th baby- Anne of Ingleside - always inspires me to enjoy homemaking and motherhood. There's one after that, too, but I can't remember the title. :)


Also, if you're a Christian, Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss is inspiring.

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I thought of an example from my own life to share.


After I took the kids to see Toy Story 3 I left the theatre with a renewed, appreciative, gotta-enjoy-every-second feeling toward the kids. I was one of those moms who, though I'm not typically a crier, cried through the ending of that movie. Looking over at my teenager, who 'was' Andy.....whoa. I know that might seem like a cheesy moment and not terribly powerful to the average person, but I think you moms with similar aged kids get it.


I know that isn't a book...guess I should have titled it differently. Books are what I had in mind initially, but really ANYTHING to help get my focus back on track.



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I thought of an example from my own life to share.


After I took the kids to see Toy Story 3 I left the theatre with a renewed, appreciative, gotta-enjoy-every-second feeling toward the kids. I was one of those moms who, though I'm not typically a crier, cried through the ending of that movie. Looking over at my teenager, who 'was' Andy.....whoa. I know that might seem like a cheesy moment and not terribly powerful to the average person, but I think you moms with similar aged kids get it.




I bawled through the whole thing. I totally get it. :)

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I would recommend this book (which someone- i can't remember who, sorry:confused: recommended on this forum a while ago):


Mother's Rule of Life


The author is Catholic; I'm an Independent Baptist. I loved it and it made a huge impact on my life.


Edited to add: on re-reading your opening post, this may not be exactly what you're after, but I'll leave it here in case it interests you :)

Edited by Lucy in Australia
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Are you an Anne of Green Gables fan?


The later book when she has her 6th baby- Anne of Ingleside - always inspires me to enjoy homemaking and motherhood. There's one after that, too, but I can't remember the title. :)


Also, if you're a Christian, Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss is inspiring.


These are my top choices. Stepping Heavenward and Anne of Green Gables are my favorite books of all time. The real diary and letter of the author of Stepping Heavenward are available in the public domain.



The Anne series and all books by L.M. Montgomery are inspiring. Rilla of Ingleside is the last one. I love Anne as a mother! I also like the Pat books by L.M. Montgomery - Pat of Silver Bush and the sequel... The contrast of their loving family with another family they relate with inspires me to do better...


Other fictional families I love and am inspired by are the Rays in the Betsy Tacy series, and Marmee in the Little Women trilogy...


I also enjoy Edith Schaeffer - The Hidden Art of Homemaking, What is a Family and Common Sense Christian Living. She is inspiring...


The Shaping of the Christian Family by Elizabeth Elliot


Womanly Dominion by Mark Chanski attempts the same thing, but rubbed me the wrong way when I first read it. I may try it again this summer :)


All of these books inspire me to work hard and that what I do matters greatly...

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