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This mom's heading to grad school! MLIS/MA History of Science

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I just have to share. I wonder if there are other grad school student/homeschooling moms here, whether done in the past, doing now, or in the future? Here's my transformation.


In the span of about eight weeks I have turned into a grad school applicant whose older son, 16yo, has decided he wants to go to public school. We're both excited, but it's such a change from mid-March when I was homeschooling high school, expecting to homeschool for six more years, and not really sure what might be around that far-away corner.


I've always wished I could go to grad school and study church history or something like that... someday. The catalyst came this spring in the form of unofficially auditing a junior-level religious studies class at the in-town Big University at the encouragement of my friend who was teaching it, and discovering it was completely do-able (humanities work, getting the reading done, class participation, paper writing, finding a place to park, getting to class on time, ... and still homeschooling my sons). Around this point my husband said, "So, when are you going to go to grad school?!?" Much research ensued!


Now my goal is a dual-degree master's program at the in-town Big University for an MLIS and an MA in History of Science. My B.S. is in atmospheric science, and before getting married I did a master's program in meteorology, quitting "ABD" with a mostly written thesis. I'd hit the wall for me in science, and just stopped. But history of science? How cool! Becoming a science librarian? Nearly as cool! Possibly working with an amazing history of science collection of rare books at this very university?!? Possibly researching the intersection of religion and science in medieval Europe?!? And... both programs here appear to have decent funding for masters students.


I've applied to the library school, and should hear from them in the next few weeks. It looks reasonable to expect to start this fall. Most of the MLIS coursework, though not all, is online courses, and it looks as though it'll take me 12 months plus two more courses. I'll apply this fall for the history of science program, to be a full-time HSci student in years 2 and 3 of grad school and then look for a job.


All this while my older son, 16yo, goes to public school for the last two years of high school and then starts college, and my younger son, 12yo, homeschools for the rest of middle school and the first year of high school. My younger son would LOVE to go to public school, so when I'm done with grad school he'll start going to high school, in 10th grade.


If the history of science program doesn't offer any funding and I get no scholarships, I'll just finish the MLIS in about 18 months total and become a science librarian, and that will be fine with me; I can keep being the autodidact I have always been. We'll figure it out as it unfolds.


Did I mention that I was an older grad student the first time around, at age 27, but this time around I'll be turning 50 during the first semester? Hahaha! This is not what I imagined, but I'm pretty excited and all of my friends think this is perfect, perfect, perfect for me.

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