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how to teach Greek and Latin roots

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It's not a curriculum but my friend came over yesterday and showed me the book her children made. She binds a lot of her own books (and in fact got me started on it)


She had this Latin Roots Rummy game that she picked up in a convention and had the kids play it often. Then she told them they would make their own Latin Roots Dictionary. Each kid (she has 5) picked one word for each letter " example astro for A or micros for M."

Then they made a flip book and bound it themselves. The latin root was written on the top and when you flipped it open it had the meaning of the word on the top, and a picture the children drew underneath it.


It was really neat, and I wish I thought to take a picture. I know I will do it down the road so I'll post it when I do. :)

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We have the cards from "English From the Roots Up," and we go over one at dinner every so often. I read the word (a Greek or Latin root) and tell which language it is, and then the kids see if they can name words that have that root. There are a bunch on the back of the card, so after they have a chance to think, I read the ones that are listed and break them down into their meanings. It's especially neat when there are both the Greek and Latin words for an English word close together.

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English From the Roots Up. There is a book and a set of cards. I suggest purchasing one or the other, not both. The book has more information than the cards, and the kids are expected to make their own flashcards.


We did the latter option. I find my kids retain more if they have to build their tool (cards) than if it's just handed to them.

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