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Dizzy all the time lately - ideas why?

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For about a month or so now, I've been dizzy when I stand up. I know about the blood pressure drop if you stand too fast, but every. single. time. I stand up? And then today it's almost all the time. Maybe not dizzy but lightheaded?


I have lost 20 pounds but its been since January, works out to a pound a week so not too fast or anything. I've been losing with fewer calories and more exercise.


I run and bike at least an hour when I go 4 times a week. And then I swim 40 minutes twice a week. I do drink water ad I know my fluids are replenished. But could it be the minerals and salt?


I can't think of any other changes I've made lately.


Any ideas?

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You could have an inner ear infection, or even just congestion in your inner ear (sometimes it isn't noticeable except for the dizziness).

Another possibility is Menier's Disease (google that one, my spelling might be off).

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My friend had a similar problem, and it turned out to be something with her inner ear that the doctor said would resolve on its own. And it did, maybe a month or two later. But I would go and get checked out. It could be all kinds of things.

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I had been running and eating healthy. The dizziness disappeared once I started taking liquid minerals.


I have digestive problems (multiple food allergies). Honestly, until you brought up the weight loss, I was thinking it was just my digestive issues causing me to not absorb all the minerals from my food. Now I'm thinking the weight loss might have played into it also.


By the way, congrats on the weight loss!

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