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S/O CLE Math being behind.


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I pulled my DS out of PS for this school year. His is just finishing 5th grade. He tested into CLE 4 so that is what he's been doing this school year. We plan to put him back in PS in 7th grade. Should I try to double up his work next year and have him do the CLE 5 & 6 to get him caught up? What would you do?

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My friend went at-pace the first year she used CLE, then once her DD had confidence and was ready to go faster, they went faster. They would usually do 2 (or more) lessons - just the new part, and select one set of review to do, or cross out problems she knew her DD didn't need to practice again. They always did the part of the review that went over new material learned recently. So in all, they were doing the work of one lesson or a little bit more than one lesson, but they were moving through it much faster. She also used the white board to teach a lot of concepts.


They really sped up a lot and are almost caught up to grade level now. It took them a year and a half to catch up.


Keep in mind that when he finishes CLE 600, he'll be ready for prealgebra. So you might see what your ps does. Do they spread prealgebra over 7th-8th? Or is it just 7th? Basically, when do they expect students to hit algebra, and when do you think your son would hit algebra?


My friend's DD has been doing things in CLE a year behind grade level that her friends working at grade level in the PS aren't doing yet. So CLE is well ahead of the PS my friend's DD came out of. That may be the case in your situation too, so it really just depends on the school.

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