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What happened to Writing Tales' annual sale?


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It looked like Writing Tales had an annual sale every year around the end of April/beginning of May. Despite the fact that I've been frantically checking for the last week, there's been no trace of it.


Did I miss the sale, or did they just not have it this year? I am extremely interested, since I think this is what I want to do with my son for third grade.



Edited by morosophe
Whoops, I messed up the title. Can we all just pretend that says "Writing Tales' annual sale," and leave it at that?
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The author of Writing Tales has offered a 20% off sale plus free shipping from 5/31 until 6/30. This sale won't be posted on the website (she's having long-term trouble with the webmaster, I guess) -- so you have to place your order through email. Here are the details.


Sale runs from 5/31/12 to 6/30/12.

You MUST email your order to her: info@olsenbooks.com

Indicate what you need to order & include the snailmail address you want the order sent to. (Make sure you ask for the sale price!!)

She will email you back with what your total is & you can either paypal her or call her with a credit card number.


Viola! 20% off + free Media Mail shipping.


N.B. I receive nothing extra from passing this along. :001_smile:

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SunnyDays - Let me know what you are looking for / what type of kid you have & I'll tell you if I think WT meets that.


It is basically CW Aesop A (WT1) & B (WT2) but much more open & go & it includes some fun activities, too (optional).


I'm using it (finishing up WT2) with my previously extremely writing-phobic oldest. She's SO MUCH better now. She's no longer allergic to the pencil. She's not fond of writing, but she is capable of rewriting a model in her own words without shortening it to the barest of possible narratives because she doesn't want to write it all down. :001_huh:


I'll be using WT1 with my writes-for-fun dd#2 in the fall.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, thanks, RootAnn, for the information! Too bad I've been having trouble with my forum account and so didn't find this until now. I went ahead and bought it full price a month or so ago. I'm really looking forward to using this, since it seems really neat.


Maybe I can hit the sale next year, for the second book, though. Here's hoping!

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