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Any experience w/ Wordsmith Craftsman

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I am looking into this for a friend. They need something open and go that her dd can pretty much do on her own. (Mom will look over her assignment once completed and they will evaluate it together.) She will be in the 11th grade and writing is not her strong suit, neither is it moms.


Any other suggestions also welcome. FWIW, I have showed them LAoW, EE, and PTIW 2 and they did not like them. LAoW I think had a lot to do with the size of the book and the text. She does not to well with small print and busy pages. EE was just not clear enough in instruction and I think they were a little overwhelmed with PTIW 2.

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We've used Wordsmith Craftsman and both my dc learned valuable skills from it. It's definitely open and go, and is very much directed at the student. It even helps them organize themselves and learn to keep track of deadlines. The book is a nice size (8 1/2 x 11 and fairly thin) and the pages are nicely laid out--with a good size print and not too dense or busy (I know what you mean about LAoW). It covers quite a number of different types of writing, from outlines and note-taking (which my dc found very helpful) to letter writing for all kinds of different situations to essays and research papers. We never really got to the essay and research paper part (my dc were 9th grade and I was trying to incorporate/move on to other resources as well and then we never got back to it), but the instruction looks good.


Anyway, it might prove to be a good fit for this situation. If I remember correctly, it wasn't terribly expensive, so she could go ahead and just give it try.

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We've used Wordsmith Craftsman and both my dc learned valuable skills from it. It's definitely open and go, and is very much directed at the student. It even helps them organize themselves and learn to keep track of deadlines. The book is a nice size (8 1/2 x 11 and fairly thin) and the pages are nicely laid out--with a good size print and not too dense or busy (I know what you mean about LAoW). It covers quite a number of different types of writing, from outlines and note-taking (which my dc found very helpful) to letter writing for all kinds of different situations to essays and research papers. We never really got to the essay and research paper part (my dc were 9th grade and I was trying to incorporate/move on to other resources as well and then we never got back to it), but the instruction looks good.


Anyway, it might prove to be a good fit for this situation. If I remember correctly, it wasn't terribly expensive, so she could go ahead and just give it try.


Thank you for that review. The part that I bolded above would definitely be an added plus for her!

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10th grade dd used Wordsmith Craftsman this year. She really liked it, but writing is her passion.

I don't know how it would work for a student who is not a confident writer already.


What about Essentials in Writing? It is fairly new, but it looks like a solid course.

I am considering it for my rising 9th grader. http://essentialsinwriting.com


Thank you, I had forgotten about this one. They don't have samples up yet for the upper levels, only the TOC. I will have to keep an eye on it and then pass on the information.

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