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Flea control advice needed for pregnant poodle

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My doggy is in a family way :). But we live in the country with ticks and fleas. I usually have her on a flea/tick control regimen, but with her pregnancy felt that it wouldn't be good for the puppies. I found a natural flea/tick spray in which the main ingredients are various herbs - mostly cloves. She hates it! She hides when she sees me with the spray bottle and then sulks for hours after I spray her. Is there anything else that doesn't smell so strong?



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That takes care of fleas and ticks. It's been around a long time and is really quite safe. The diseases and parasites, let alone blood loss, caused by fleas and ticks, are much more of a health risk. Also, you want to get the fleas GONE before she whelps b/c it will be much harder to get under control with the puppies on board (who can't be exposed to many/most/all flea products). Puppies DIE not infrequently due to blood loss from flea infestations!


Get thee to the *vet* (NOT online or elsewhere, fraudulent Frontline is out there and can be dangerous and/or ineffective) and buy frontline. :)


Steph (vet's wife)

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