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Dear Dr Hive...

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For the last couple of weeks I have felt bad. You know how you feel when you haven't eaten? You might feel low-level nausea, headachy, a touch of tummy trouble, a little bit dizzy? It is like that, but eating doesn't help. I thought maybe it was the ibuprofen/nighttime percocet that I have been taking for my foot. But, my son asked for a pepto last night and when I asked my eldest about it, she said that had been feeling the same way. I have googled, but cannot really find anything that might fit that description. Dh and middle dd seem fine; we have a carbon monoxide detector. Nobody has had a fever or anything like that. Ideas?

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Are you eating enough fresh, raw fruits and vegetables?


I would suggest increasing your intake of organically grown vegetables and fruits, especially in something like a smoothie, where you can really get a boost from several nutrient-rich food sources. Also, reduce dairy and meat for a few weeks and see if you have any improvement. Ingesting too much dairy and too much meat-derived proteins can actually induce mild acidosis and increase systemic inflammation, which can bring on many ailments, including general malaise.

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For the last couple of weeks I have felt bad. You know how you feel when you haven't eaten? You might feel low-level nausea, headachy, a touch of tummy trouble, a little bit dizzy? It is like that, but eating doesn't help. I thought maybe it was the ibuprofen/nighttime percocet that I have been taking for my foot. But, my son asked for a pepto last night and when I asked my eldest about it, she said that had been feeling the same way. I have googled, but cannot really find anything that might fit that description. Dh and middle dd seem fine; we have a carbon monoxide detector. Nobody has had a fever or anything like that. Ideas?


This is how it started with me and percocet. And then, next thing you know, I couldn't walk down the hallway in a straight line or figure out how to work a doorknob. I only take strong levels of Ibuprofin now. I guess I am real cheap date. :D


BUT I will also say this - I sometimes suffer from big dips in my blood sugar and I feel just like that too and when I notice that eating isn't helping, and I have NOT taken anything (not even iburprofin) I know that it is my irregular heartbeat kicking into gear - it's a leftover from when I had pericarditis.


If it were me - I would stop the percocet and wait 12-24 hours and see if the feeling goes away.

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For the last couple of weeks I have felt bad. You know how you feel when you haven't eaten? You might feel low-level nausea, headachy, a touch of tummy trouble, a little bit dizzy? It is like that, but eating doesn't help. I thought maybe it was the ibuprofen/nighttime percocet that I have been taking for my foot. But, my son asked for a pepto last night and when I asked my eldest about it, she said that had been feeling the same way. I have googled, but cannot really find anything that might fit that description. Dh and middle dd seem fine; we have a carbon monoxide detector. Nobody has had a fever or anything like that. Ideas?


Oh, and I would check the batteries on that. You never know....

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