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Pregnancy & allergies

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I hardly ever have problems w/ allergies. Seasonal, sure. In places like Austin, definitely. But until a few yrs ago, I didn't even really believe in them, lol.


Anyway, for the past 2-3 mos, my allergies have become increasingly difficult to deal w/ to the point that I'm almost non-functional during the day & by bedtime I'm worse.


My question is this: is this somehow pg-related? Dh has AWFUL allergies, & he seems ok. Plus, by the end of June, I'd expect things to be clearing up, but they're worse than ever.


Otoh, we just moved to FW Aug of last yr. Could FW be *this* much worse than Dallas?


If it's location, I can't stay here. It's that bad! If it's pg, I think this baby's ready. Hear the timer? Ding, ding, ding! Time to get out of the oven. I mean, I can barely even *see* my eyes stay so swollen.


Ok, this sounds complainy, but I really only mean it as an educated question. I tried googling, but my patience is low, & most of the answers there are geared toward women who *have* allergies & then get pg & have to figure out how to manage that.


Oh, & as far as management, I've pretty much been taking a Zyrtec every day, usually a couple of Tylenol, & occasionally Benadryl at bedtime. Normally, I can't stand even ONE Benadryl at bedtime, because it knocks me out for three days or so, lol, but right now even Benadryl's having little effect. Eek. Thanks for listening.

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Have you seen an allergist? If not, I would see one. He will be able to get you on the best med that is still safe for the baby. My allergies are normally very mild, but during my 2nd pg, they were much worse. My allergist sat with me for close to an hour and explained how meds are rated for pregnancy, etc. Some meds are considered safe only during certain trimesters, etc. A family dr or OB is not going to be as knowledgeable as an allergist.

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I never had allergies before I became pregnant with my first child but then it was awful. He's an October baby and I had a horrible spring and fall that year. The allergies actually stayed with me until my daughter was born then it was like they switched off again. Fast forward a few years, I'm pregnant again with #3 and the allergies switched on again and stayed on until after my fourth child was born. How weird is that? It's like my pregnancies were the only thing that would switch the allergies not only on, but off!


Whatever was going on they have never returned with #5, #6 or #7.


I know how miserable you must be - bad enough being prenant in the summer without a drippy nose!

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I never had allergies before I became pregnant with my first child but then it was awful. He's an October baby and I had a horrible spring and fall that year. The allergies actually stayed with me until my daughter was born then it was like they switched off again. Fast forward a few years, I'm pregnant again with #3 and the allergies switched on again and stayed on until after my fourth child was born. How weird is that? It's like my pregnancies were the only thing that would switch the allergies not only on, but off!


Whatever was going on they have never returned with #5, #6 or #7.


I know how miserable you must be - bad enough being prenant in the summer without a drippy nose!


I thought I remembered the campus doc saying something about pg-induced allergies. ugh. At least I'm close, though. Thanks!

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The children you carried during the pregnancies with allergy issues- do they have allergies today?


I've always wondered about that. My best friend's second pregnacy came with tons of allergies, an issue she'd never had before. After the pregnancy, she went back to normal, but that particular child has terrible allergy issues, something neither of her other children have.


The doctors didn't have anything to say about it, but we always wondered if she suffered because the child in her was suffering.


Just wondering.....




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The children you carried during the pregnancies with allergy issues- do they have allergies today?


I've always wondered about that. My best friend's second pregnacy came with tons of allergies, an issue she'd never had before. After the pregnancy, she went back to normal, but that particular child has terrible allergy issues, something neither of her other children have.


The doctors didn't have anything to say about it, but we always wondered if she suffered because the child in her was suffering.


Just wondering.....





Yeah, since dh has such awful allergies, I wondered the same thing!

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This has been a wicked year for allergies. I've been in DFW area for 10 yrs and this is the first time I've had consistent issues with them. Humidity, rain, molds, pollen, etc seem to be running rampant. I'm personally ready to disassemble my nose and reattach it after the first freeze (January?).


I doubt that it has much to do with either pregnancy or FW, but just a nasty allergy season. Pollen forecast has been high forever (weeks, months).


Feel better soon. Pass the kleenex, please.

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The children you carried during the pregnancies with allergy issues- do they have allergies today?




Now that you mention it, that particular dd does have worse allergies than her sisters. She doesn't have horrible allergies, though, just seasonal stuff and shrimp so far.

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