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Math on the Level

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Have any of you looked at Math On the Level? Britt has always used Saxon. Not so much because it worked for her, but worked for me. Math is not my strong suit. I like having a script. She has FASD and does not remember math facts, can't tell time very well and money is a nightmare. She is also severely dysgraphic and will not make the switch to Saxon 5/4 this coming year and I don't have time to do the writing for her anyway.


Someone suggested Math on the Level. I like the idea that it is not graded. Face it, this kid is probably never going to do Algebra. She'll be lucky if she gets 5th Grade Math mastered. It is based on what the child needs to know and not the scope and sequence of some average child out there. It is more live learning types of activities and less pencil and paper. That appeals to me too, but frankly I'm not sure I can do it. With a very active toddler underfoot, I find comfort in opening a book and just reading through the lesson. I didn't know about this curriculum when I went to convention. I probably could have told if it would work just by spending about 10 minutes reading through some of the things. Can some of you that have looked at it help me out?

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I am about to purchase MotL for my dc, one of whom is dyslexic. I've been researching it for a while and am on their Yahoo group. You can sign up there and ask the writer and those who are using it your questions.


One thing that sounds perfect for your dd is that there is no suffering through concepts she's not capable of. If it doesn't click, move on. Also, the 5-a-day review of previously learned concepts would help with long-term memory issues. My dsd has this problem and I've been looking for something to meet this need and I'm pretty certain this 5-a-day method will help immensely. Again though, I have no actual experience.

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