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I need some landlord advice on evicting someone.

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We just went through this for the first time a few months ago. I also used a lawyer. Good friends of ours have an eviction service, so we went through them. I felt more confident because they knew all the stuff we needed to do legally. It depends upon the laws of your state.


I had to tape a three-day notice on their door, which was basically "pay or leave". Sometimes people will just move out, but this person decided to fight it so we both had to go before a judge. It bought her a little time but she was out in about ten days. I was very nervous since it was my first time, but it wasn't a big deal.


The worst part for us was seeing how they had trashed the place. I hope that does not happen to you, but the sooner you get the tenant out, the better.

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Since the utilities are in your name - can you turn them OFF? That oughta get him moving.


Sorry no other advice, just :grouphug:. This too shall pass!


You probably CAN have them turned off! In our case, the tenant never did put the water in her name. My dh reminded her a couple of times, and was going to give her a week to do that until he had the water shut off, but we ended up evicting her.

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Don't worry! It will all be over soon. It may be more than a couple of days, but shouldn't be weeks, though I don't know your state's laws. Once you have been through this, you will see it wasn't a big deal and not worth excess worry.


Was your PM company doing credit and background checks? That will weed out a lot of people you wouldn't want living in your rentals.

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Attorney said not to turn off the utilities.


Our new Property manager and the attorney both know what they are doing. I just feel like this tenant has maybe done this before? I am not sure how he ever got into that house in the first place,


Yes, most likely he has done his before. I found out that my former tenants were scamming other people. They put the gas in her boyfriend's name at our place, and at the next place they put it in her name. The gas company called me, trying to track them down. A couple days ago a collections agency called our house asking for the boyfriend. So...I think it's all catching up to them.


Do credit checks and background checks. It's definitely worth the money!

Edited by PrairieMom
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