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Ugh. Why does my curriculum schedule all the big school projects for the last half of the school year..........


I'm so tired and I just want to get done and I'm not very inspired to be creative or let them be creative when I need them to start booking it through they're work!


We are NOT doing summer school this year. I just can't do the garden, farm animals, fixing all the fencing, AND homeschooling.

Edited by CalicoKat
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This is the point in the year where I take inventory of what is left to be done, how many weeks we have left, and start prioritizing, cutting out assignments, in order to finish on time.


Unfortunately, ds is in his 1st year of HS, taking online/distance courses, and we no longer have the luxury of cutting the fluff and just make sure we accomplish what we find essential. Nope, it all has to be covered, and covered well, because these grades are going on his permanent record.


We'll be lucky to be done by Aug. 1!

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