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BSGFAA - in a group/church setting? multi-age?


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I have a missionary friend who is faced with finding a Bible curriculum to use during their expat/community worship. They have 2 children's classes: ages 0-5 and 6 yrs-5th grade.


Cost and space (and technology/shipping) are an issue. I was wondering if BSGFAA would be an option.....


Looking at their "All Family" option, that might work... IDK. Or maybe just buying the workbooks for the appropriate ages.


The thing I'm curious about is BSGFAA assumes you're using the program daily (or so)....they'd be using it 1-2x a week. Is that enough for retention (with the mem. verses, timelines, etc) or would it be frustrating?


Anyone use this program for such a class setting? with similar usage/scheduling?


Any other suggestions? THANK YOU!!

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