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who has used Stack the Deck writing program??


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  • 3 months later...

I know this an old thread but I'm bumping it up in hopes someone will answer. I'm wondering the exact same thing.


My ds who is starting 3rd grade this year HATES to write. Anything more than 1 or 2 words and he's in tears. We think he has dysgraphia and it's seriously impeded his creativity. I'm considering using Stack the Deck after having him learn to type and having him do the work on a computer.

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We tried a 2 of the books (cannot remember what two they were) but it was not bad. Not jump up and down terrific either but then again I have only found one or two curriculums that have made me do that. My sons did not complain so that is a plus. From what I remember there was good writing assignments, some were different (different good). There was nothing in the teaching that was way out there that you would have to undo if you did not like the program. Overall it was okay.

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  • 2 months later...

We started this program this year. Take this with a grain of salt we have only done one lesson. My son LOVES it. He actually said "I can't wait for writing today." I nearly fell over!! He then said "I bet you never thought you'd hear that." LOL The program presents writing in a fun non threatening way. Even though he has only completed one lesson I can see the confidence he had gained. He had to write a paragraph for a class he takes. Last year he would have cried, said he hated the class, was quitting. This year he came home and banged out a good little paragraphs. Some of it is maturity but he is positive that Check the Deck has made him love writing. For us it is a winning curriculum. Hopefully the honeymoon doesn't end. FYI it is written for the classroom and is very ps ish. We alternate this with WWE because at heart I believe in the SWB writing philosophy.

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For us, it turned out to just be "meh." In fact ds and I only did about a week of it and then switched to something else (and for anyone interested I think I still have it up for sale on the for sale board). Ds didn't like it and he already hates writing so much I had to find something else. We're actually doing WWE now (level 1, ds is in 3rd grade) and it's going much better for us.

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