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HOD writing


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Not handwriting. Writing as in stories, creative writing, summarizing, etc.


Actually in HOD it's quite good. First, R&S starts with basics if you look at their table of contents. The HOD guide will also guide you through beginning narrations, teaching detail vs summaries, then moving on to writing them. You'll also move on to changing a poem. By 9-11 (CTC) you use WWTB which is a little bit over level, but still works well using classic literature to learn to write dialogue, narrations, folktale, etc.


I wanted to make sure dd was on par for RTR with her written summaries and bought WWS. And she has aced all the outlining, the detail and summaries almost verbatim.

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I am extremely pleased with the writing instruction in HOD. The bulk of the student's writing with HOD will always be written narrations, all the way through high school. They write often and there is an emphasis on producing quality over quantity. Rod & Staff English provides much of the writing instruction, but that is balanced out over time with the addition of descriptive writing lessons. HOD's own plans for this start in Preparing Hearts for His Glory. There is no separate resource for that in Preparing Hearts. It is written into the guide. Then, the next year, HOD begins to schedule additional writing resources that will further develop their descriptive writing skills.


HOD's LA has worked like a charm for both of my students. Both of them have made so many strides this year. This is the second school year that they have used HOD. I also saw much improvement in both of them in all areas of LA in the first year that they used HOD. We took a break and used something else for a year but we came back to HOD this year primarily because of the writing and other Language Arts areas. My oldest son (7th grader) just told me a couple of days ago that he loves HOD's writing!! I could not believe it. I almost passed out. I never expected him to ever say that he loved anything about any writing curriculum or any writing assignments! It was neat that he recognized his own improvement and commented on it.


So, we are happy and it works very well for us. Would be glad to answer any specific questions you may have about HOD's writing.

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