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Writing Papers (and Evaluating them)

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Ds(turning 11 in a few days) is a good writer. His history program (Beautiful Feet) requires a number of small papers throughout the year (ranging from 1 paragraph to a page). He has 3 "big" papers to write a year too (the program doesn't specify page number but he averages about 5 pages.) He writes fiction on his own. (A couple of editor friends of mine edit his fiction for him since his goal is to get published.)


1. How many times do I have him redo a paper until he hands in a final copy? On his last paper he wrote a 1st draft, and one re-write. The writing is good but I see a couple of spelling errors. Do I have him do another edit?


2. How do I evaluate stuff that is not obvious - I mean the stuff that is not grammar or spelling. I printed out stuff from "Six Writing Traits", including their Rubric. If he actually corrects the spelling errors he would get a "5" (the highest mark) on all 6 traits (a "3" or "4" if the last draft stands as his final). I looked at their student examples and his 5th grade writing was on par with their high school examples. Are there better rubrics or evaluating methods out there?


3. In non-fiction writing, the actual content of what he is saying seems more important to me than the writing itself (esp. since the writing isn't a problem for him). If I haven't done all the research he has done on a topic, how do I evaluate the content? Do I need to do the research too?

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I don't have any answers for you, but my ds is about the same age, and I wrestle with these same questions. And having only 1 student, I don't know what to expect out of someone his age. I don't want to be impossibly hard to please, but I want him to keep making progress. When is it good enough? How do you find a balance?


Where did you find your rubric?


Anyway, I hope you get some good answers.



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