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How to tire out very active kids?

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How do you tire out very active kids? DS (age 6) has a much better attitude about school work since we upped his exercise. He was already doing Tae Kwon Do once a week. Then we added gymnastics once a week and soccer once a week. That helped a little. This week we added the two of us going running three times a week (Couch to 5k program) and he is even better.


I think his ideal week would involved exercise at least twice a day. Any ideas? I am glad he is so much happier, however I'm concerned about me wearing out trying to drive him around so much.


Current schedule


-Mon: soccer

-Tues: gymnastics (fun, but not tiring for him), running

-Thurs: running, TKD

-Fri: running


I wish I could drop him off at gymnastics for two hours every morning!

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Swimming sounds like a good idea, but he's just learning how to dog paddle. He's also picky about water in his face (he was 5 before I could wash his hair without him screaming and throwing a fit). It would probably take many lessons before it would be much exercise, but I will look into it.

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When my eldest two were little a friend told me "Little boys are like dogs, they need exercising twice a day". In fact, since DS11 got a dog for his 10th birthday, and now takes her long daily walks, he has been a lot calmer :D.


We also have a large trampoline which gets used a lot by all four boys.



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