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FBA selling on Amazon...anyone done this with success?

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We've been tightening the screws on our budget in order to send our oldest two boys to a University Model School next year. I've always had pretty good horse sense when it comes to deals/couponing, etc... and played the "drug store game" for years (when it was easier to play, coupons were better in value and deals were plentiful.) I'm kind of retired from the whole coupon thing, but a friend who knew I've always been an avid deal seeker and a "sometimes" ebay seller (for personal items only) sent me a link to a book about Fulfilled by Amazon selling. I bought the book, plus ended up borrowing another book from the Amazon Kindle library. Now I can't get it off my mind. It seems very do-able. I found lots of stuff online regarding tools of the trade, forums for support, etc...


So has anyone here done this? If so, what kind of success have you had, and what kind of time/money investment has it involved?


To do it right, I'd probably have to get a smartphone, some scanner equipment, maybe even some memberships online to FBA related services. I'm a little nervous about taking the leap, although the book I got gives suggestions about how to start things off without having bought all the "gear" that I might want later on.


Any input would be great. Thanks!

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You can make very good money doing selling books through Amazon - I used to before the thrift shops here all started selling online. A PDA scanner helps a LOT on speed. If you decide to buy one I can give you a great deal on one. You can get by without one though, but really to be competitive you'll need one.


My income ranged from $200 a month to upwards of $1k a month when I did it 6 years ago while in college, and I only really worked 2 or 3 days a week gathering inventory and shipping books.

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Yes, a scanner would be great. If I take the plunge, I think the item I'll end up buying is called a scanfob??? There's also a FBAScout software or application that lets you scan any item with a barcode from any location to get real time numbers from Amazon to help you make an informed buying decision on the spot. Sounds very convenient, but expensive at the outset. I'm just wanting to move slowly when it comes to investing in anything expensive. I'd hate to make a big purchase and then find out I'm just not cut out for this reselling thing.

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Yes, a scanner would be great. If I take the plunge, I think the item I'll end up buying is called a scanfob??? There's also a FBAScout software or application that lets you scan any item with a barcode from any location to get real time numbers from Amazon to help you make an informed buying decision on the spot. Sounds very convenient, but expensive at the outset. I'm just wanting to move slowly when it comes to investing in anything expensive. I'd hate to make a big purchase and then find out I'm just not cut out for this reselling thing.


I know that there is an iPhone app that does this as well, so that's an option. It probably isn't as nice, but if you have an app-capable phone, that might be a less-expensive option to see if it is something you want to do. It works by taking a picture of the barcode.

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Before jumping in with the expensive equipment, I would experiment by selling some of your surplus books and DVDs you have in your home.


Sadly, the used book market is now VERY tight, without a lot of profit margin. The super-sellers make 50 cents or $1 per book with a high volume.


We've sold about 300 items on eBay, Amazon, and half.com. I've also sold about 50 surplus collectible books for our local library. Yes, my dd made $65 selling a Star Wars coffee table book that she bought for $5 at a book sale. But that's really rare these days!


Also, you need to attend as many used book sales as you can.


We travel back to our hometown for 2 large sales (for pleasure), but travel expenses really would cut into the profits. At least 12 scanners come to our small town's library sale, and compete for those high-scanning books.


I have not used Fulfilled by Amazon as a seller, but have as a buyer with good result.


Good luck as you research the equipment and the market. It can be a good side income for higher volume sellers.

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