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GF people...what substitutes for chicken/rice casserole?

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I am making dinner for a gluten sensitive friend and want to make my chicken/rice casserole. I'm confident about the ingredients except for the cream of.....soups, canned green beans, Mayo, and pimentoes. Which of those need to be GF?


Make your own white sauce with chicken broth.


Canned green beans and pimentos will be fine.


On the Mayo, buy a new jar unless you use a squeeze bottle. Previously opened jars in glutenoid households are nearly always contaminated. Wiping your bread with the mayo and sticking the knife back in for more mayo is enough to make a celiac sick.

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Make your own white sauce with chicken broth.


Canned green beans and pimentos will be fine.


On the Mayo, buy a new jar unless you use a squeeze bottle. Previously opened jars in glutenoid households are nearly always contaminated. Wiping your bread with the mayo and sticking the knife back in for more mayo is enough to make a celiac sick.




We keep separate butter, peanut butter and mayo. My daughter doesn't eat mayo, but we use it in things like chicken salad, etc. Double dipping will make her very ill.

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Okay, shopping trip was a success! I don't have time or more $$ to buy seperate ing. for making my own cream of celery sauce, but I did find a GF cream of celery at HEB. It is the Organic Pacific brand. I also bought a new, GF mayo and I'm just going to give it to my friend. I knew about the cross-contamination with our already opened mayo. I was being extra safe and bought a definite GF brand mayo instead of a new Helmann's or Miracle Whip because I've never looked to see if they are GF or not. I'm so glad to know that I can make this for my GF friends with new babies. :) It's a favorite of ours and for others that I've made it for, so now my GF friends can enjoy, too! Thanks for all the help!

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Pacific is a good brand. You won't be disappointed with them. :001_smile:


Side note: I don't know that I've ever ran across a brand of mayo with gluten in it, but I may be missing them while I'm stuck in my happy little Trader Joes bubble.

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