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Not if you mean doing poorly on the actual test. If you mean that they don't seem to realize time limits or don't seem to be filling in the bubbles properly, then I would probably remind all the students to watch their time and fill in the bubbles well. I would not seek out another adult or parent if I felt the child was doing poorly on the actual test. That isn't the job of a proctor.

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In our co-op we don't know which children have IEP's that parents can show to the province. So, if someone thought my son was doing poorly on tests they wouldn't know that he has an IEP unless I showed it to the co-op teacher or discussed it with them ahead of time. Frankly, any testing done at our co-op I would use as a practice session and not as the final mark because of my son's IEP.


Some teachers I choose to not inform because I feel it will jade them against my son and he thinks they won't treat him like the other students and expect him to work harder to "catch up" because they feel his delays are lack of work effort or they baby him which is even worse because he is mentally an eleven year old young man and is definitely NOT a baby.


I would hate to think that someone thought I wasn't teaching my son effectively by the results on a test. Even worse if someone went talking behind my back to other parents, family members or CAS it would emotionally kill me. (I know that is not what your doing, you are just concerned!) I know that compared to where he was 6 months ago, he has drastically improved, even though he is in areas 2 years behind his peers.

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Even with all the delays we deal with here, it was still a shock to me when I taught a dear friends child who had a stroke at birth. I had known this child for 2 years and it wasn't until I had to actually teach the child that I finally realized the challenges that this chronically tired mother was up against. My appreciation of what she works through every.single.day sky rocketed!


You might in passing ask what curriculum they are using for math at home and if they ask share what has worked for you. Momma might be feeling like she has her back up to a wall, and you never want to disturb a momma bear who is frustrated. :001_smile:


I've been bite once, it's not a fun experience.

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