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Need someone to help pick my brain regarding maybe switching

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We mostly do Ambleside Online and I love it. We are in Year 0 (kinder year mostly) and I love the flexibility I have. I threw in other stuff.....some has worked but we've thrown out one science program, two phonics programs, and a math program. :eek: If I keep doing what I'm doing, next year we will do Year 1, with Queen LL, LLATL Blue, RS Level A and LOF Apples/Butterflies, something science that has kits and is open and go, RHO or only AO readings with Queen Living History Readers, Queen's Printing With Pictures, and maybe Spanish and Harmony Art Mom's music and art curriculum (or just composer/picture study from SCM...if we do it at all), Nature study, plus a read-aloud from AO. Plus some small things for the then pre-k kiddo.


Buuuut I keep wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. I am having a hard time constantly feeling like I have to gather supplies for science and history studies. I am thinking of sticking both into Calvert (minus the math). Just have everything done for me...open and go. But then I lose the fun (yes there is some fun!) of learning about stuff my son finds an interest in. Plus some materials may be a poor fit for him.


Also looking at K12 through the state. It is stricter than Calvert (shorter time to get things done), eventually we'd be subjected to standardized testing, having to use their stuff which may be a poor fit for my son.


I also work full time 3.5 days a week. K12 would be difficult with this on my 12 hr days.


I just need some brain picking....stuff thrown out there to help me make up my mind. Ithink there are plusses and drawbacks to all options. I just need perspectives, opinions, something to clear this clutter out of my head so I can stop waffling back and forth.

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What is the one thing you love doing most now? Could you take that one thing and add it to an open and go curriculum. Maybe the time you save not having to pull as much together will be enough to make time for the part you love.


Certainly, you can try k12 and withdraw if it didn't work out. I assume it is free for you. Starting with the cheapest option often is a good place to start. You could use the money you save on the stuff you love to do with your kids.


I want open and go too, but I am too eclectic in nature so I am going to sit down for a week and map out the entire year day by day. It is what I want most from things like Sonlight but I want the curriculum that through prayer and experience, I know is right for my kid. I am not looking forward to that week but it is the only way to get what I want.

Edited by Briartell
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Wow - long list. I'd start smaller. What is working right now? Can you keep doing that then add one thing at a time? It sounds to me like you don't really want to do K12 (or Calvert?) with this child - you said it would be a poor fit. Have you looked at Simply Charlotte Mason's guides? They are much simpler than Ambleside's I think. Or look into one of the other packages that is literature based? (Sonlight, Living Books Curriculum, etc.)


If you want to design your own plan (which is my personal preference), I highly recommend SCM's Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education. I have the book, there is also a DVD. It really helps you get from the big picture down to "what do I do today". (And you don't have to be CM to use it.)

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What is the one thing you love doing most now? Could you take that one thing and add it to an open and go curriculum. Maybe the time you save not having to pull as much together will be enough to make time for the part you love.


Certainly, you can try k12 and withdraw if it didn't work out. I assume it is free for you. Starting with the cheapest option often is a good place to start. You could use the money you save on the stuff you love to do with your kids.


I want open and go too, but I am too eclectic in nature so I am going to sit down for a week and map out the entire year day by day. It is what I want most from things like Sonlight but I want the curriculum that through prayer and experience, I know is right for my kid. I am not looking forward to that week but it is the only way to get what I want.[/QU...OTE]

What do I love doing now......hmmm. I love reading stories and I love the simpler stuff....math and a simplified LA are good so far. I do love doing units and looking up stuff on the net but just not all the time. I enjoy reading with him the most..we use AO Year 0 and we used FIAR Vol 1.


I keep hearing horror stories on here about k12 math...math is a weak point. We Hyades to start over since Singapore Earlybird was a bust.

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Wow - long list. I'd start smaller. What is working right now? Can you keep doing that then add one thing at a time? It sounds to me like you don't really want to do K12 (or Calvert?) with this child - you said it would be a poor fit. Have you looked at Simply Charlotte Mason's guides? They are much simpler than Ambleside's I think. Or look into one of the other packages that is literature based? (Sonlight, Living Books Curriculum, etc.)


If you want to design your own plan (which is my personal preference), I highly recommend SCM's Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education. I have the book, there is also a DVD. It really helps you get from the big picture down to "what do I do today". (And you don't have to be CM to use it.)


What's working now...Queen's Language Lessons Vol 1 Math Lessons for a Living Education #1.Queen's Printing with pictures Primer and A work well. AO Year 0 readings are awesome. That is pretty much it. BFSU K-2 is too much...and I find it geared more towards a co-op. History is unit studies....it varies in intensity and time...this kind of works and kind of does not.


I'm leaning away from K12 now after reading about how the math is bad. I don't need another math issue. I wouldn't mind Calvert....I can opt out of their math and use the RS kit I bought used. I'm just afraid of the expense and that my son might be bored....I don't know if he will be or not and I never know unless I try. I know Calvert has money back for 30 days but still....


SCM is a good idea....both them and AO are fairly easy but I'm just not sure if the readings are enough for history...which is why I threw in RHO....but combining that plus a hands on science might be too much. I think looking at the SCM book you mentioned may help.

I just need to make up my mind and stick with it....boxed may be easier for me but is it good for him? I wish I knew my child better.

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