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Help with toenail home remedies please.

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My left big toe and both little toes have whatever fungus that causes them to look bad and grow weird. My two little toenails are just ugly. My left big toenail is extremely painful.


Lets just say the nail is square for ease of describing. The sides are no longer ingrown because the nail has started to curl a bit. Whats causing the pain is what would be the top right corner, curled in a bit but is now growing up and right into the skin!


Ive (very stupid, i know) have never let my toenails grow out. So the big toenail is nowhere the end of the toe. The skin above, i guess, is used to this and now basically blocks the nail from growing out. Putting a piece of rolled up cotton under the ingrown part is not possible. Right now i can barely touch it its so painful.


The only 2 optionts for the foot dr are meds with major side effects or temporary removal of the nail. The nail may grow back in weird and still infected which is why i am not jumping to do this.


I keep coming across vicks vapor rub as a treatment. Well, there are a lot, but to start this seems the least expensive. Im not sure exactly how to use this. If i soak my toes, do i blow dry and then put on the vicks? Should i soak in something other than warm water? Im not soaking in listerine, at least not yet because that could get expensive. What about bleach or vinegar? Should i stick to flip flops while treating? How many times per day should i soak and apply the vicks?


Any other advice?

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Tea Tree Oil, full strength....it's used in other parts of the world for fungal infections and is superior to other natural things you can try (some will work, most won't). Use it daily and within four to six months, the time it will take for your nails to grow out fully, your nails will be cleared of the fungus. After, once your nails are clear again, continue with 2 to 3 times a week to maintain and prevent recurrence. Apply after you shower (or take a bath) since your nails will be soft and the oil can penetrate the nail well....use a q-tip to apply. If for some reason you don't shower daily, on those days, wet feet with hot water for about five minutes, then apply to the nails. Do not use nail polish while you're getting rid of the fungus!

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Coming from someone who studied toenail fungus and had to sell the prescription antifungals for it...stick to home remedies. The antifungals are pretty bad on the liver....


My dad used the oral antifungals back when I was selling them and it cleared his nails up beautifully...but they were very expensive for him to use and like I said, not good on the liver. But, two years later, it came back...he tried the vicks vaporub and it also worked great!! He slathered it on and covered it with a toesock, they have some at the drugstores..just a loose elastic mesh thing you can cover the toe with...he would wear it like that all day long then sleep in it, I think he did it for 3 days at a time...redressing it when he showered.

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