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Need help with literature for 3rd grade

Just Kate

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I have never really put together a literature "program" in the past. Instead, I have just read books aloud to ds and helped him choose books on his reading level to read to himself.


My first question, is what I've been doing enough? Do I need a more formal program?


Also, I would love help choosing good books to use as read-alouds an for ds to read to himself. Any thoughts?


We are starting SOTW 1 next year, so I'm not sure about looking to Sonlight to find books, as I think Sonlight is doing American history at the 3rd grade level (we have been working on American history this year). I don't think that what he reads to himself has to match his history, but I would probably rather it be something other than American history for next year.


Any other thoughts? So many good books and I want to make sure we don't miss out!

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OK, I haven't used this yet. My oldest is in first grade. I sat through an hour presentation by the vendor at a conference and I am quite intrigued and I'm planning on ordering it once ds gets a bit older.




It is a book-based language arts program.


Sorry I don't have any actual experience with this, I figure one iffy answer is better than none, right?:D

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