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My dd informed me that she plans to learn "all the major languages of the world."

Cathy in IL

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Lively Latin arrived the other day. I planned to use it for my 4th grader this fall, but my 1st grader is determined to join us. With her love of words and grammar, I am certain she will keep up and enjoy it. She says she wants to learn Greek and all the major languages of the world next.


I am looking into excellent language programs for children. She is particularly interested in spelling patterns because she wants to win the National Spelling Bee one day, so I need a program that is not just conversational. What curriculums have you used for various languages? What languages are simpler to learn?


Languages have never been my strength, but I want to encourage her desire for learning.

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I don't have any suggestions for you, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your dd's love for language! "She says she wants to learn Greek and all the major languages of the world next." That is so incredibly sweet, funny... and brainy! ;) :D

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She says she wants to learn Greek and all the major languages of the world next.
Your dd and my 6yo can get together. :) She's itching to add another modern language to Latin and Spanish and has her eye on Ancient Greek as well.


Here's a post from a mailing list I'm on, detailing what one family did to attain language fluency. Some information is a bit dated. We're following the general idea: multiple programs, lots of listening, using movies and TV programs, and eventually bringing in a tutor. The Learnables is a big hit here. After recently completing The Learnables Grammar Enhancement, we started Visual Link Spanish. The two programs are a good fit because The Learnables focuses on listening and reading comprehension, while Visual Link Spanish centers around speech generation and pronunciation.

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That is wonderful--and, to let you know, the earlier she starts, the better! The language center is something that develops with use, and they say, if they start before 8, they can get native fluency in a language, plus, the more languages they learn, they easier they learn others. I grew up speaking 3 languages fluently, and learned 4 more with no prob. It took me 1 & 1/2 years in college (intensive study) to get enough fluency in French to start my master's in it. So, if she wants it, definitely encourage it!

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