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Elemental History for multiple ages?


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I am thinking of starting Elemental History with my 7-year-old and 4-year-old together. Will it work? Has anyone tried it in a similar situation? The 7-year-old has low tolerance for boredom, and the 4-year-old loves "projects" (cutting, pasting, drawing etc...) I am wondering if it might be too easy for the 7-year-old and too difficult for a 4-year-old. Any comments? Thanks so much in advance!

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We did this this year with a 9, 7, and 4 yo. The 4yo did coloring pages that I printed off and put into a binder that corresponded to each of the weekly readings. The older kids did the written narrations and pictures but the 7 yo wrote less and the 9yo was expected to do more. We also kept a time line and looked up more information if the kids were interested in a certain topic. I also had the 9 yo doing more history reading from the time periods we were studying. I really liked it and the kids did too! Hope this helps!

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I am using Elemental History this year with my DD6 (turned 6 in sept) and my DD 3 tags along. It has gone quite well. We do not do the copy work. They both have really enjoyed it and the suggested read alouds have been very good. Some weeks were more interesting than others to them but they each have had a good time and learned quite a bit. The history stories that are part of the program are short so the girls don't lose interest. The projects that we do to go with it offer a good variety of things to do too. I could see them bith getting even more out of it if we did it the upcomming year instead. They will be 7 and 4. Hope that helps.

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