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Literature on Ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome for 7th grader?

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I am looking for any and all book recommendations for some reading my 7th grader could do on Ancient Egyptians/Greeks/Romans. He will be going into public school for 8th grade and this is what they study for history in 7th grade. In 8th grade, they do Middle Ages to the present.


He is finishing up American History this year and we never got to Ancient Civ, so I'm looking for some things he could read that would give him a good background. He is interested in this subject matter and loves the Percy Jackson books, as well as the Kane Chronicles. I am going to be assigning the reading for Literature because I am unhappy with his curriculum for that, anyway. So a mixture of historical fiction and non-fiction would be great.


Thanks for any suggestions you may have! :bigear:


It may be helpful to know that DS is an advanced reader, so high school level stuff would be fine.

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