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Help! Something is wrong with my Nikon D80---please?

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I've only had this camera maybe 6/8 weeks. We took it to Disney 1.5 weeks ago for a day, and I haven't used it. I tried once last Sunday and it didn't work so I thought the battery was dead. I charged the battery, and now it just keeps giving me a "r11" message in the view finder and the info. box on top. I've googled and apparently this is supposed to mean you only have 11 pictures left. but it says I have 519 pictures left, and I have no pictures on the camera at all.


then, some seem to think it's a battery problem, and some have had to pay almost $200 to have it fixed. Yikes! I saved for 18 months and then still used some of our economic stimulus check to buy the darned camera, I don't have $200 to fix it.


can anyone advise/help? I'm so bummed. I'm ready to accuse one of my kids, but maybe it's a malfunction?


what to do? what to do?

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I've only had mine for a couple of months, but I haven't come across this. Have you tried disassembling everything and then reassembling? Sometimes if the lens isn't seated just right it can cause errors. Also, have you tried resetting it by simultaneously pressing the exposure and AF buttons (they are both on the top with the green dots by them)? Other than that, I really don't know what to tell you. :(

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