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MCT - what grade to start and which books?


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I am thinking of starting MCT with ds1. I am curious what grade it is appropriate for at the youngest. I am also curious whether it is appropriate to begin with the entire package for level 1 or if some of it (I am specifically thinking of Building Language) should wait. I also want to know if the teacher guides are necessary at the first level. Thanks!

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Level 1 (Island) is intended for gifted 3rd graders, although I know some have started in 2nd, and some in 4th. Anywhere in that range could work, depending on your child.


You are intended to use the Grammar book first, and finish it in a month or two, and then use the Practice book for the rest of the year. After Grammar is done, add in the others as desired over the course of the year. They reinforce the grammar lessons, but focus on different LA areas: writing, poetry, vocab. I know that some who have started this program "young" have found that the poetry book is a little advanced for their dc, and ditto with the writing. It depends on your dc.


Many who use MCT don't consider it a full/complete writing program, and are using something else to teach writing.


As for the student/teacher manuals - you are intended to have both, but these aren't consumable/workbooks (except the Practice book), so a more economical thing that many do is buy the TMs only. That works fine for us.

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I used the Island level with my 9 and 7 year old sons. It was a huge hit. We loved the whole program.


Many people have said that Building Language is the weakest book. My boys and I loved it, though, and I thought it was a great *gentle* introduction to Latin stems and why we study them. Caesar's English (Town Level) is so. much. more. than Building Language, but sometimes it is too. much. more. (I love it, but I can only read very short portions at a time or my boys tend to glaze over.) The poetry book is incredible, but I definitely used it as exposure and not anything close to mastery. My younger son certainly didn't get as much out of it as my older one did.


I don't think any of the student books are necessary. You will need the teacher guides for all of them. The only student book that you might need is Practice Island if you want to use it workbook-style. We did all of our grammar practice on a white board, so the student book wasn't necessary.

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