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Need a little help finding an easier way! MFW? :)


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In the next couple of months our family (just turned 11,8,5) will be completing our second year of homeschooling. The first yr I did a TON of the planning and piecing the curriculum together on my own. They learned a lot but it left me exhausted and behind on all my other duties. This yr I've tried using curriculum that's already laid out,but still feel spread too thin. I need your help:confused:!!!

I need something,possibly all in one,that won't keep me running back and forth between the 6th grader and 3rd grader next yr. I currently have little to no time for the little one in K or the much needed house duties.

Currently looking at MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures. Thought I could possibly group the 2 older ones together. Maybe add the 7th - 8th grade supplement to keep my older easily bored child interested?? Or Sonlight?? It doesn't need to have a Christian theme...just to be challenging/not fluff.


What we liked: SOTW volume 2,Saxon Math 7/6, writing with ease 3,Pimsleur's German,Wordly Wise 6.


What didn't work: Lifepac science grade 2 & 6, Saxon Phonics second grade, Saxon Math 3,Right start Math, Singapore Math 2a


Any suggestions???

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My MFW review is in this thread (post 17).


Easy Classical history schedules (uses SOTW) or History Odyssey may be worth looking into. :)


The easiest way for *me* to structure a school day is to start with the preschooler and get her filled up on momma time. Then I get the oldest ones working independently, and turn all of my attention to the youngest students (grades 1 and 3 this year). When I just focus on them they're able to work quicker, and they work better. When their math/LA/Latin block is done I send them off to play and turn my focus to the older ones. Then after lunch, that scene gets repeated for the history/science block while the preschooler and toddler nap and/or rest.

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We tried Sonlight our first year homeschooling, and I much as I wanted it to work, my son was too wiggly and needed more than just reading! We have done HOD since then, which may work for you if you put them in the same and use the extensions for the older (not sure though- we haven't gotten past Bigger yet!). Next year we are doing MFW ECC and I already have the materials. From what I understand, it works best when you use as many of the book baskets as you can. Since mine are younger I am going to try to read atleast one of their picture book selections each day. I would make sure if you chose MFW that you use the student sheets as much as possible. Your youngest may enjoy "working" with the others if you get him a set of student sheets also (that is what I am doing with my ds3 who will be 4 by the time we start- he wanted his own set of stickers!). Also Rod & Staff has a good set of workbooks that may occupy your five year old while you do some things with the others. Hope that helps a little!

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MFW does the planning for you. Still use your own language arts and math.


I've used MFW for almost a decade and it works for me. Even when I elected to teach Oldest and Middle from the same materials but at different times of the day, I was getting a lot done with each child. Some days we were perfect little homeschooling family and our pictures could have been on catalogs. ah....

and then other days we could have made Todd Wilson's cartoons.




Some of what has helped me enjoy MFW is that it is planned and tested out. I once compared it to a well balanced tossed salad. If you look at any one moment on your fork, something might seem light. But by the end of the bowl, you've had a full meal and even room for dessert.


I don't blog. I have some fun pictures on mfw's message board of some of our fun moments in ECC the last time we did it.... which was when oldest was 7th grade and middle was 4th grade.



and the terrarium.. but I love this picture because we did the Brazil Carnival costumes that we made for the stuffed rainforest animals.



2 pics is enough for now...


ok.. that year my oldest did a 10 page report on Russia. She read a LOT and learned a LOT. She is always telling me how doing ECC in 7th helped her understand world history in high school and do the geography maps. She hated doing all of the extra jr. high work (hormones) because it meant she had to do some work and write. :lol: but it was strong and good for her to write those biweekly 7 paragraph summary sheets. And then 4 weeks to develop the 10 page report (that included title page, sources, and drawing and such.)


My middle daughter enjoyed doing her notebooking from Living World Encyclopedia. (we did first edition, but bought Prop of Eco and read it at the end of the year).


We enjoyed the food and crafts. and maps, and researching and cross reference skills we learned.


and I enjoyed that it was all planned for me. go pick up some library books (from the ones suggested). make sure I picked up a few things at walmart, or got gift cards for Michaels.


If you go with MFW and ECC, I hope it goes as fun and well for you.



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I looked at MFW ECC for my kids for this year - borrowed the guide from a friend. I just felt it wouldn't be enough for my 6th grade son. He is a strong reader and enjoys history. It would have been fun and probably younger 2 would have enjoyed it. I would have had to supplement his science too. After I got to looking at how much I was going to need to add to be a good load for him, I was just basically going to be doing MFW for the youngers.


For next year I'm strongly considering TOG. It will be a way to keep us all on the same history subject, giving me lots of books for my youngers, Student pages for everyone, overviews to help me and lit discussion helps for my rising 7th grader.


Good luck in your researching! I just about kill myself every year over some subject - this year it's been TOG vs Sonlight and algebra for my oldest!

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