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Classical Writing Herodotus

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Has anyone used CW Herodotus? If so, what are your thoughts? I have used Homer and Diogenes:Maxim and we learned a lot. So I am not considering having dd16 do Herodotus so she can get the argumentative writing practice.


It mentions that it teaches the timed essay. How well does it do that?

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:bigear:I've used CW since Aesop and am trying to decide whether to use Herodotus next year or jump ship to IEW Essays :) I do like the series, and I like that it's a marathon, not a sprint. But DS is somehow not developing his writing as I would like to see. I'd love to hear how other people have fared with Herodotus as well as seeing the series through to the end.



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I wrote an extensive review of Herodotus in post # 135 of this thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=348864&page=14


Ruth in NZ



Thank you for this review. I'm new to this board, homeschooling my 9th grade dtr and tyring to figure out where to take her in writing next year. She does not like expository writing! We did Writeshop in MS, and this year just used some of those skills while bringing in poetry. My thought was she would enjoy writing more and mature more, but whatever the actual result is we do have to move ahead. Am thinking of doing the CW catchup then Herodotus, and I like your suggestion of having the student write across the curriculum while reading the book as mostly a text. Am hoping I would see a natural progression. I was thinking of diving into the Rhetoric books in SWB plan, but after your review, and another one on DeAngelo, I think this may be better!


My other thought for next year would be to do the IEW theme unit on U.S. history because we'll be using Paul Johnson's book as a text. But, I think with Herodotos program I'll get more of what I want, which is to focus on thinking before writing, and apply those skills to all areas of study.

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