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Classical Rhetoric, The Oxford Guid to Writing, and Warriner's Complete Course

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My husband has old high school 1982 Warriner's English Grammar and Composition Complete Course (12th grade) and 4th course (10th grade) texts on the shelf. I am thinking of using them for my high school daughter. I also have The New Oxford Guide to Writing and Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, along with A Rulebook for Arguments and Elements of Style. Do you think I would still need to have my daughter use the Grammar book if she uses the Oxford Guide to Writing and the others? Is that overkill? Second, has anyone used these references for high school, and if so, how did you "grade" for transcripts?

Thanks for your input and insights.

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I have all of those books. :D


I think whether she needs the Warriner's depends on her grammar background. Has she had solid grammar instruction up to this point, so that you could just review it during the writing instruction in the other books?


As far as grading, I assign written work in conjunction with the books, and that is how I determine grades. I don't give any grade for doing the assignments and such in the books themselves.

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I have read that the Warriner's 4th course has the most extensive practice in punctuation of all his texts. You might have your daughter look over that section...some of those comma rules still get me after all these years (when EXACTLY is that ending adjective clause important enough to get its own comma...ugghhh).


Anyway, I am using 3 books with my son for his "English" credit next year: Warriner's 4th course, Lively Art of Writing, and Rulebook for Arguments. I plan to break each school quarter into approximately thirds and have him do a little from each book. My hope is that he won't mind doing 3 weeks of Warriner's at a time. I am picking and choosing which sections in that text I think he needs to review; he is a strong grammar kid. Then 3 weeks of LAofW and then 3 weeks of RforA. Then start over. He will also be doing WWW vocabulary and homemade (non-history-based) literature for this credit.


I'm hoping that this plan will work for both 9th and 10th, and then we can completely drop the grammar and concentrate more on rhetoric.


My point of this long post is that YES! You can use all of those books with your daughter. You just have to make a plan as to how to go about it...in a way that the English credit won't take the whole day. :)


ETA: Welcome to the WTM forum!

Edited by MorningGlory
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Do you think I should use the 4th course of Warriner's for high school and then drop grammar? My daughter does have a strong background in grammar. I like the idea of alternating texts throughout the school year. Thanks so much, ladies, for your advice and the warm welcome!


Gina G.

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That is what I plan to do.


My son will work through some sections of Warriner's 4th over the course of 9th and 10th, and then I will consider him finished with grammar courses. We have several grammar handbooks that he can turn to when he is writing...if and when he has a question.


If your daughter is strong in grammar, I would just pick and choose the sections of Warriner's that contain what she might need review. You probably don't need to cover the whole book (especially since you have other great choices for writing instruction).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Is your daughter at the level where she will proofread her own essay, go to the shelf and select Warriner's handbook, and review when to use a certain form of punctuation? If so, then she is ready to stop grammar lessons. (This could also be a "deal.") Well-learned grammar benefits from practical reinforcement where the student and teacher are the same person.


By the way, would anyone who has the white book--- Warriner's Handbook tell me--PM--- what the copyright or ISBN number is? I have seen there are newer versions such as Holt traditions with the image on them but I would like to get the older version... Thanks and hope it does not hijack the thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That is what I plan to do.


My son will work through some sections of Warriner's 4th over the course of 9th and 10th, and then I will consider him finished with grammar courses. We have several grammar handbooks that he can turn to when he is writing...if and when he has a question.


If your daughter is strong in grammar, I would just pick and choose the sections of Warriner's that contain what she might need review. You probably don't need to cover the whole book (especially since you have other great choices for writing instruction).




Thanks so much! Wow! Everyone is so helpful.

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Is your daughter at the level where she will proofread her own essay, go to the shelf and select Warriner's handbook, and review when to use a certain form of punctuation? If so, then she is ready to stop grammar lessons. (This could also be a "deal.") Well-learned grammar benefits from practical reinforcement where the student and teacher are the same person.


By the way, would anyone who has the white book--- Warriner's Handbook tell me--PM--- what the copyright or ISBN number is? I have seen there are newer versions such as Holt traditions with the image on them but I would like to get the older version... Thanks and hope it does not hijack the thread.


Very close. She is editing and rewriting material this year. I think she needs another year of review and then she probably could use the Warriner's Complete Course as a reference and handbook. Thanks for the suggestions!:001_smile:

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  • 1 month later...

With those who used Rulebook of Arguments and The New Oxford Guide to Writing (or similar), how did you plan the lessons? Some chapters are longer than others, so did you break it down by pages....? And, how long did it take for your student to complete the books?




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