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Postpartum weight loss help needed!!

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I am so frustrated! I gave birth almost 5 weeks ago and I have not dropped 1 pound since the initial "burst" that occurs the first week. I have been going to the gym (which I just started back to about 2.5 weeks ago) and doing the elliptical as well as weights, I have been going on walks with the kids, I eat hardly anything (and pleeeease don't tell me to eat more because of my metabolism and my body going into starvation mode and all that...seriously, there's enough on my body that "starvation mode" is what it needs to go into, LOL). Even last night when I came home from the gym, I parked my car in the garage and then went straight out and ran in my neighborhood. This morning I am the exact same weight! Whatever happened to all that blood volume that was doubled that would go down? Whatever happened to retained water going down? Whatever happened to my booKs going down because breastfeeding didn't work? I assume my blood volume is back to normal now and I'm not retaining water, so why doesn't the scale reflect that?


I have GOT to get back into pre-pregnancy clothes asap. Seriously, with food prices so high, gas prices so high, and we added another baby who needs diapers and formula regularly, I simply cannot afford to be buying new clothes. I went to a consignment shop last week and bought a few things, but it's not much and I'll be wearing the same stuff over and over until I can get back into my clothes. Please tell me what the deal is and how it can be like this when they say "6 weeks" is the typical time period to get back to your pre pregnancy form. Btw, I gained 28 lbs. and have only lost 10.

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Please tell me what the deal is and how it can be like this when they say "6 weeks" is the typical time period to get back to your pre pregnancy form. Btw, I gained 28 lbs. and have only lost 10.


Um, Janna, because nobody says that??? It takes about six weeks for your body to heal from the birth -- but it's the exceedingly rare woman whose whole body and shape have returned within 6 weeks.


Really, you are NOT eating enough. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to bump your calories way up or start eating cheesecake, but can you radically increase the fruits and veggies you're eating? You can eat a lot more quantity without a lot more calories, and your body may be tricked into thinking you're not living in a famine.


You may also not be drinking enough water (given the heat, your extreme workouts, being so close to having given birth, your under-eating)...

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sorry but ...you need to "eat more because of my metabolism and my body going into starvation mode"


I think you probably know that. Is this how you lost your pg weight the other times? By eating very little?


It was very important for me to lose my weight too, and I gained 40 pounds both times and it took me 6-9 months for it to be gone all the way. I never exercised beyond walking until 3-4 months pp.


I hope you can be patient with yourself and the weight and enjoy your baby and wear your maternity clothes and baggy shorts for a few more weeks and relax.


Are you getting sleep and help around the house? Please take care of yourself.

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This is your third baby. There's something about third babies and weight loss that is incompatible. I know this because I've had 5 babies.


Your hormones are what are driving all this. You are only a few weeks post-partum. You are still in hormone flux, like it or not. Since bfing didn't work, give yourself at least another 6 weeks for things to settle down to normal hormonally. Once they are level, your metabolism will start functioning as that of a non-pregnant, non-nursing woman.


There's nothing wrong at all with you. You didn't gain much weight at all, and then you've already lost 10 lbs. That is amazing! Give yourself 8 more months... it took you 9 months to gain the weight (which, to me, as one who gained 40lbs w/pregnancy seems very reasonable) give yourself the grace to take time to lose it. Do not starve yourself, do not condemn yourself.


Trust me, I know how frustrating it is to try to fit in those jeans again. It really is! But you got to go home from the hospital with the prize, right?

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:grouphug: I'm with you, Janna, but I must agree w/ the other posters that you are being too hard on yourself and unrealistic. Sorry. I initially lost about 15 lbs. after giving birth. I doubt I've lost any more. I don't fit in to any of my beautiful brand new clothes that I JUST purchased last summer. :glare: The tops don't fit b/c of the increased size of my, well, you know! The pants don't fit b/c of the increased size of my mid-section. So, I'm wearing a pair of maternity shorts, and have 2 other pairs of elastic waist shorts that actually fit. Can you imagine how often I am doing laundry? I, too, can't afford new clothes, so this is it. I hardly eat, too, and I'm nursing so it isn't good. I'm not, not eating to lose weight, though. I just don't have the interest in eating. Weird. I do drink a lot of water, though. Hang in there, Janna. You'll lose it. Trust me. Give your body a break, though. You are only 5 wks. post partum.

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Unfortunately, as we get older losing the weight is a little harder. With my first child it was gone in 6 weeks, with this last one some is still here a year later. Don't be so hard on yourself. I am the one who needs to be hard on myself. I'm not even exercising more than running after my wee one. I'm glad the styles this season are good for camouflage. :001_smile: I'm chanting with Ree "7.9 years, 7.9 years..." (read here if you don't know what I'm talking about).


My advice would be to buy just a couple of less expensive items that you feel comfortable in. Continue exercising, drink lots of water and be gentle with yourself, and I bet you'll be where you want to be before you know it.

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Along with what all the others have said, muscle weighs more than fat. If you are creating muscle, then the scale numbers may not reflect a true assessment of your real body state.


Also, it took 9 months to create that body. To expect it to be down in 5 weeks truly is unrealistic. Please give yourself a break. You created life in you. That is so amazing! Your body will change and reflect that. It takes time. I know it is really frustrating, but try to extend that grace to yourself. :grouphug:

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