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Dh and I talking about the Kindle Fire...

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We were thinking that if I can keep the homeschool curriculum money at a very low minimium, we "might" be able to get our 3 younger dc kindle fires. :001_smile: I have been reading the threads on this. We do not have anything like these; no i- phones, ipads, etc. I keep feeling like my kids (and myself) are missing out on something here. Will this be worth it?

Thanks so much!

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It depends on the ages of your kids and how you feel about parental controls. We went with iPods, because I can keep them off of the Internet, Facebook, chat rooms, and they cannot buy apps without my passcode. My dh has a fire, and there are no parental controls, but they finally made it possible to turn off in app purchases. Our main concern was our kids seeing things they should not when online, and Apple gives a great deal of control to parents via restrictions.


We do use our devices a lot when we are out, because I do not like to lug books around to various practices and events. They can literally study anywhere, anytime without needing materials. Do we need it or would they be deprived without it, no, but we would get less done lol.

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