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History Question... new homeschooler


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We are thinking of hs our children starting in the fall, so I am immersing myself in curriculum research (which is actually very fun).


Ok... our kids will be in 10th, 8th, 6th, 3rd, K and a toddler.


I am leaning toward a combination classical/cm education for my kids. What I am interested in is keeping all of my kids in the same history timeframe. I don't mind learning on different levels, but want them all to stay in the same chronological history period. With that said, aside from a chronological history study, I would like to focus just on US history a few days each week.


Is there any curriculum out there (using primarily living books, some textbooks are ok) that I could use in such a way. I would love literature to follow loosely along with history also.


Is this just too much to ask from a curriculum? I imagine I could do this on my own, but I am new to this and need some guidance.


Thank You so very much.

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MFW might work for you (not sure about the High School because I don't have any that old yet- but I think they follow the same chronological schedule). We are doing MFW ECC next year, and like you, I want to include American History. We are using Fridays for a study on American and State History.

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"10th, 8th, 6th, 3rd, K and a toddler."


With this age range you could do Story of the World. Start in Ancients---you read aloud to the 3rd grader, the 6th and 8th grader read it on their own and have extra outlining to do. The 10th grader can read it as well but that dc can also read Susan Wise Baur's Ancients book for older teens and adults. All the kids can participate in the projects and map work. Your K and toddler can do the activity guide coloring pages and some of the projects. The extra readings in the activity guide have a wide range of reading and read aloud levels.


You could also use the booklists in WTM for extra readings. And for us history---look into Hakim's History of US---there are even teaching guides for various grade levels.


Your older children may even be able to read through all 4 SOTW books in a year. But honestly I think your teens will surpass your younger's in their history level fast so it may not work long term keeping all of them together.

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I homeschool with a mostly CM philosophy with some Classical as well. There are a few options. You can just pick some family read alouds (such as SOTW or some other great living books) and then assign each child reading on their own level. There are plenty of great booklists for you to find what you need. If you want something already figured out for you, the best resources IMHO are TOG and RC history. You can also use those as booklists. Here are some other great places to find books:



Ambleside Online

Mater Amabilis


Simply Charlotte Mason

Living Books Curriculum

Veritas Press

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A previous poster recommended doing Story of the World starting at ancients. I tried having my 8th grader do SOTW 4 this year but it was WAY to babyish for her. I am going to use this schedule starting next year starting with Ancients for my 1st, 2nd and 5th grader. This schedules Story of the World and Mystery of History together. I was going to include my 9th grader but I had already bought MFW AHL for her. These 2 curricula compliment each other really nicely! You could easily do all of your dc in this cycle and each would have their own workload!

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