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What is wrong with my elbow?!

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Last night, after a relaxing dinner out with dh, my elbow began to get stiff and painful. Within a few minutes it went from fine to not being about to bend or flex it without pain. There is an odd stiffness/full feeling in it. I cannot physically bend it all the way, or extend it all the way. It feels like there is something inflated inside the joint. It only appears slightly swollen, if at all. (I'm a little chubby so it is hard to tell :lol:) After taking Advil last night, it hurts much less but is still very stiff/full feeling. Rotating the wrist also causes issues in the elbow. (For example, I cannot brush the hair from my forehead with that arm)


I can't think of anything I did to injure it. I did fork some hay into a wheelbarrow yesterday, but I've done that many times before. And why would it wait that long to act up?


I've googled bursitis and tennis elbow..but it doesn't quite match up. I'm at a loss. (I will go to the doc if it doesn't improve today...but we are without a primary care doc at the moment, so I'd rather not.)

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