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Gluten, Food Intolerances and Subjective Mental States

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DS5 has a school diagnosis of ASD. We have been food diarying and have seen a clear behavior trigger for gluten and a possible one for soy. What does it feel like if you have these intolerances? For sugar I can feel a higher pulse and general twitchiness and excess of energy. What about for others does it resemble allergies, being mildly hungover, the "atkins flu" when starting low carb diets, or something else?

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My kiddo doesn't seem to have GI issues. There seems to be a subset of folks who get behavioral symptoms(increased rigidity, more special interests, etc) without the GI issues. Some people talk about the excess opiate hypothesis for gluten and casein but that doesn't seem like what we see?? Irrespective of mechanism, I'm trying to understand how it feels if you have intolerances independent of GI issues.

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My daughter has Celiac Disease, however, many people with gluten intolerance have similar symptoms. She has the typical GI issues, however, she also has brain fog. She's very bright, but sometimes can't remember simple things - she will calll a cow a "moo" and a dog, a "bark". She knows it's wrong, but can't piece the right words together. She also can't follow directions (unload the dishwasher, set the table and wipe off the chairs) without some confusion.

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Everyone is different. Some people have only neurological and/or behavioral symptoms with gluten.. Others have only bowel symptoms. And still some others have inflammation and pain with headaches, etc.. Or you can have a combination of any of these.


We have the entire range here at our house.. I have one daughter who gets violently ill just after exposure and then she has headaches for a few days along with painful feet! For some reason her feet (or sometimes just one foot) will hurt like they are ice cold, but they're not really cold. She says it only happens when she accidentally eats gluten.. It used to be chronic issue for her (along with headaches) before she went gluten free.


I break out in a massive rash all over my hands and wrists immediately after exposure (within one hour).. A few hours later I will have stomach spasms.. and then in the following days I have inflammation, pain (fibromyalgia-type pain), headaches, brain fog, moodiness, thyroid flares, and fatigue.


The other kids in my house will get some slight bowel issues, but most of their symptoms are all neurological and behavioral.. Everything from motor and vocal tics to moods to increase in stimming and extreme hyperactivity, aggression, meltdowns, behaviors, etc. They have none of these issues when they are strictly gluten, casein, and soy free.


Hope you get it figured out soon!

Edited by Misty
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