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HOD question-boy/girl/classic readers


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I just got home from the convention and purchased the Bigger guide, DITHOR, and the science addon. I was told I needed to add on the girl interest/boy interest/classic package. I'm do confused as to how this works. There already seems to be so much literature. I didn't end up purchasing the extra read alouds because I was at my spending limit and already have so much else to buy as well as still needing the Level 2 readers for my DD.


I got to the car and realized in the catalog it says these additional books are optional. I was told at the convention that they are used fur storytime boxes. If they are needed to complete the boxes, then how are they optional?


Can someone please explain this to me? I'm trying to finish my book order tonight and I'm stuck as to whether to order these or not.

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The storytime books are for you to read to your student(s). You can pick boys, girls, classic or a mix. I try to buy these used or get from PBS when possible. ETA: You also don't have to do the books listed. You can pick your own from each genre. It's just that the books listed are GOOD books.


The science add on is needed to do the science portion of Bigger.


We haven't started DITHoR yet. If you use it you'll need the TM and student book. The books you use can be in a pack from HOD, books purchased elesewhere, your own collection, the library, etc. Whatever works for you. These books the child reads.


hth. We'll start Bigger in August. :D


ETA: I bought all the emerging readers used or from PBS.

Edited by raceNzanesmom
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There is a separate read-aloud storytime scheduled daily in the guide. You can use the packages they recommend or your own books. Over the course of the year, storytime covers 9 genres, so if you use your own books (or ones from the library), just make sure you choose from the appropriate genres. Many of the books from their packages can be found in the library, so that's an option. FWIW, we have absolutely loved all of Carrie's book choices. :001_smile:

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I just got home from the convention and purchased the Bigger guide, DITHOR, and the science addon. I was told I needed to add on the girl interest/boy interest/classic package. I'm do confused as to how this works. There already seems to be so much literature. I didn't end up purchasing the extra read alouds because I was at my spending limit and already have so much else to buy as well as still needing the Level 2 readers for my DD.


I got to the car and realized in the catalog it says these additional books are optional. I was told at the convention that they are used fur storytime boxes. If they are needed to complete the boxes, then how are they optional?


Can someone please explain this to me? I'm trying to finish my book order tonight and I'm stuck as to whether to order these or not.


Storytime in the TM is for Mom to read aloud to add to History. They contain a higher or more difficult reading level (which is why it's a read-aloud) and adds to the history. If you have the money you can purchase these, if not, the program will be fine without it. You could very well get these from the library. It would even be fine if you can find some and not others. We did it when we could. The program was full enough without them. As we go up in levels, we do these more regularily. Your call. You don't NEED them.


Dithor is a reading program. They give you a boy/girl/classic interest book choice that HOD prereads that are from each genre and are at your child's level. If you have 3 kids you can do the same program with different books. That's what Dithor is about. If you bought Dithor, you may choose this book pack or any book from each genre; so if you have a mystery and folktale and historical fiction, etc in your child's reading level at home, by all means use them. You can very well save money and buy them used or get them from the library...just make sure they are your child's reading level and have the different genres. Or.....you can use your own reading program.

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Storytime in the TM is for Mom to read aloud to add to History. They contain a higher or more difficult reading level (which is why it's a read-aloud) and adds to the history.


Just to clarify, the storytime in Preparing adds to the history, but the storytime in Bigger is separate from the history (although a couple of books are historical) and covers the nine genres.

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